Pharmacy Technician - Professional support

Supporting your profession—and patients in your community.

Patient support programs

An older woman wearing glasses and a blue sweater, smiling gently while seated in a cozy environment.

Octreotide Patient Care Program

Provide your patients with the support they need when starting treatment with Octreotide for Injecta

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Teva-Teriflunomide Patient Care Program

Provide your patients with the support they need when starting treatment with Teva-Teriflunomide.

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Teva-Dasatinib Patient Care Program

Support for patients who have been prescribed Teva-Dasatinib

Patient support for Copaxone®

Use our personalized support program to help patients with multiple sclerosis.

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Patient support for Cinqair™

Personalized, support, training and education to those who have been prescribed Cinqair™.

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Patient support for Truxima®

Personalized support for patients who have been prescribed Truxima®.

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Patient support for Ajovy™

Personalized support for patients who have been prescribed Ajovy™.

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Teva-Fentanyl Patch Return Program

Help ensure patients' correct usage and safe disposal of Teva-Fentanyl patches.

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Teva-Teriparatide Patient Care Program

Help enrol patients starting treatment with Teva-Teriparatide.

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Teva-Fingolimod Patient Care Program

Help enrol patients starting treatment with Teva-Fingolimod.

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Teva-Everolimus Patient Care Program

Support for patients who have been prescribed Teva-Everolimus.

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Tools for patient support

Counselling checklists

Provide patients with instructions on how to administer common pharmaceutical products.

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Educational programs for children

Check out our fun, age-appropriate tools to teach children potentially life-saving lessons.

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Health and wellness resources

Browse resources on specific health conditions and general wellness for patients and caregivers.

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Facts about generic medicines

Get the facts about the safety and effectiveness of generic drugs.

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Real people, real stories

Those living with chronic conditions share their tips and lived experience.

Explore Life Effects

Caregiver support programs

Resources for caregiver support

Access our caregiver support materials.

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Caregiver-friendly pharmacy program

Explore tools to help you implement a caregiver support program in your pharmacy.

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Real people, real stories

Those living with chronic conditions share their tips and lived experience.

Explore Life Effects

Continuing education

Tech Talk News & CE

Explore accredited CEs, including Canada’s only national bilingual correspondence program.

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